A MESSAGE to those who torture and rain ruin on the world. November 20, 2005 is the sixtieth anniversary of the Nuremburg Trials. Nuremburg, the site of the Nazis’ Triumph of the Will, was chosen as the place where Western civilization would emerge from the muck and look toward the sun. [Speigel]
The root idea of bringing statesmen and military leaders before an international court of law when they infringe the basic rules of civilized life had its origins in the Nuremberg trials. The inaugural trial of the leading, surviving perpetrators of Nazi terror commenced on Nov. 20th, 1945.
Indeed, Nov. 20 is the anniversary of an idea which traversed the world. The name "Nuremberg" is synonymous with both. Nuremberg played host to the Reich's political conventions -- a government that brought death, ruin and barbarism to Europe. But it was also in Nuremberg that the victorious Allied Forces dealt with the defeated power. In the history of man, their bold actions were wholly without precedent. There was no bloodbath, no peace treaty -- instead, there was a trial -- call it peace through justice.
VENGEANCE WOULD HAVE no play in the aftermath of war. Nor should it play a part in a war’s beginning. The cooler mind of process must weigh all facts wisely before the hot hand sets the world aflame in the firepit of war. Passion wars with reason. In war reason must win out at the beginning and also at its end for passion rules the middle when men burn against men. Justice asks for good reasoning at the beginning of war and strife. In the end justice demands a reckoning for the loss of every life.
ROBERT JACKSON PROSECUTED the war criminals with a steel mind and a stainless eloquence. Power hides behind power when it hatches havoc upon this earth. Power corrupted corrupts all things. Reason and life sacred are found profaned and prostrate beneath the jackboot and the jaunting jaw.
"The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated."
. . . Hitler had made it patently clear to many of the defendants that, for propaganda purposes, he would give provocation for war. "It will make no difference," he announced, "whether this reason will sound convincing or not. After all, the victor will not be asked whether he spoke the truth or not. The stronger is always right. We have to proceed brutally."
. . . Jackson trembled: "Civilization asks whether law is so laggard as to be utterly helpless to deal with crimes of this magnitude by criminals of this order of importance."
NO MATTER WHAT leaders say when the clock strikes an amoral midnight, certain rules apply, especially in times of stress. Who needs rules of behavior when the heart is light? Would be torturers and criminals beware. No “exemptions” exclude you from the judgment of history.
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