NEWS WITH OOZE tm plus Bush China Bike Tour Tips: Stay the course! When our mission is complete, our bikes will return home with honor. Our bike ride is just, just what I needed.BUSH ESTABLISHES PRIORITIES IN CHINA [WaPo] At an appearance with Chinese President Hu Jintao just a few hours earlier, he had seemed flat and listless, his voice drained of energy, but zipping over the rugged trails put some air back in his tires.
THE HERETIK CANNOT WAIT for a newly inflated Bush to return to action. Whether he sees nails in his political coffin or just nails in the road ahead, Bush is sure to bike through it all. Oy.Think Progress picks up on
Pee Wee’sBush’s Big Bike Adventure: A number of the most senior White House officials on the trip, perhaps seeking the comforts of their Texas homes, chose to skip the kimchi in South Korea to go to dinner at Outback Steakhouse – twice.” (Via Atrios)THE BUMP IN BUSH’S ROAD [NY Times] Mr. Hu made clear, by his words and his government's actions, that he had no intention of giving in to American pressure.
BUSH APPARENTLY had right pressure on tires, not enough pressure on policy.
BUSH CLARIFIES Chinese policy [White House] Finally, I had a bike ride. I'd like to clarify my comments. Compared to Crawford, this trail is a great bike trail and really difficult. It is clear that I couldn't make the Chinese Olympic cycling team.
ALSO: Bush has faith in China. "I will continue to remind President Hu about, for example, my personal faith and the belief that people should be allowed to worship freely," Bush told a group of Asian reporters in a White House interview last week.
By going to church, he sends a message without saying a word, although it's not likely that many Chinese will hear it.BUT MANY EVANGELICALS at home will see Bush in church. Bush rarely goes to church, but when he does it is always with an announcement.
BUSH RESPECTS POWER OF CHINA’S HU But in excitement may misunderstand what Hu can do [White House] Bush says: Thank you, Mr. President. First of all, thank you for arranging such beautiful weather, it's a beautiful day.
Secondly, thank you for the very frank and candid discussion we just had on a range of issues. China is an exciting country, and it's an important country. And this visit is a chance for you and me to continue a very important relationship.HU DID NOT CONTINUE relationship with Bush on bike ride. Rumors that Bush told Hu he read up on him in the Who's Who of China are unconfirmed.
Also Check out: Incurious George . PLUS: George W Bush has been the master of low expectations.
ALITO GOES WITH GOD [NY Times] Both supporters and opponents say he has the potential to become the most aggressive supporter of religious liberty on the court, moving it toward greater deference to religious practices.THE HERETIK SEES Alito has ruled in favor of a variety of different religious groups, not just Christian groups. Are public displays of multiple religions in government areas better or worse than those totally oriented to the Christian? At what point does respect for the few become a subtle or not so subtle oppression of all?
THE END OF THE ROAD [NY Times] General Motors said today that it would cut up to 30,000 jobs and close a dozen automobile and parts factories and distribution centers in the next three years in an effort to stem the company's billion-dollar losses.
HOW LONG AGO was it the slogan was “See the USA in a Chevrolet”? While GM has been offering the GM employee discount to consumers, it is sad to see thirty thousand employees less likely to get it soon.
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