YOU WOULDN’T KNOW IT from reading the Washington Post. George Bush continues to lose his grip on language and on reality. Nobody says a word about it. Is the media inability to note this mental problem part of a gentlemen’s agreement similar to not publishing pictures of FDR in his wheel chair or something darker? [White House transcript] Here’s part of the WaPo account:
President Bush, saying "gas prices are on our mind," today
promised that the government is again prepared to tap into the
Strategic Petroleum Reserve to alleviate any crude oil shortages caused
by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
"It's important for
our people to know that we understand the situation and that we're
willing to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to mitigate any
shortfalls in crude oil that could affect our consumers," Bush said. [WaPo]
BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE PEOPLE who lampooned the guy who voted for the war before he voted against it. Bush on gas:
Governor Perdue of Georgia I thought did a -- showed some leadership by saying we've got to -- anticipating a problem, here's what we need to do to correct it.
There's going to be some -- by the way, and here's what we have done and will continue to do. We have suspended certain EPA winter blend rules so that it makes it easier to import gasoline from overseas. In other words, there's a supply of gasoline in Europe, and by suspending these rules, it's a lot more likely to be able to get gasoline into our markets. And so while there's a shortfall because of down refining capacity, we will work with -- we have instructed EPA to leave the rules in place, or to suspend the rules that were in place, keep the suspension in place, which would make it easier to increase supply, and continue to get supply of gasoline here. And that's important for our consumers to know. [White House]
BUSH COMES ACROSS even less cohererent when he discusses poverty. Somebody needs to tell Bush that rote recitation is no longer an answer. First Bush offered No Child Left behind as the fix for Katrina's revelations of racial and class disparity:
And we need to address that, whether it be
rural or urban. And I have done that as the President. I have said that
education systems that simply shuffle children through are -- can be
discriminatory in nature. And, therefore, we've got to have high standards
and high expectations and focus money on Title I children to teach -- so
that they -- so that children can learn to read. And we're beginning to
make progress. [White House]
BUSH SAYS THINGS AND TAKES CREDIT for what has not been done, or for what he dreams has been done. The ownership society will save us all, just because Bush says so:
I have said that ownership is a way to counter poverty and being stuck in impoverished situations, and so homeownership is up. And business ownership is up amongst minorities. [White House]
THE WORLD MUST BE as George Bush sees it. With once small problems in both language and in reality growing greater, much concern rises now in The Heretik's mind. As Bush alluded to in his New Orleans address, he continues to push for another kind of suspension, the kind found in martial law, the kind that would require overturning the Posse Comitatus act.
I want there to be a robust discussion
about the best way for the federal government, in certain extreme
circumstances, to be able to rally assets for the good of the people. I
don't want to prejudge the Congress's discussion on this issue, because it
may require change of law. [White House]
WHEN THE PERSON IN CHARGE wants more power even as he reveals he doesn’t have the power to command words, only one word suffices: scary.
MARTIAL LAW? [Corrente] Am I the only one who finds it creepy that Bush is turning to the Army
as the only government institution that works in emergencies?
And am I the only one who wonders how broad Bush's definition of "emergency" is going to end up being?
THE HERETIK FINDS IT creepy. And scary too. Maybe Bush is still lost in his I'm a War President mode.
WHAT IS AT RISK HERE? [CNN] The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 bans the armed forces from participating in police-type activity on U.S. soil.
Healy, a senior editor at the conservative Cato Institute, said Bush
risks undermining "a fundamental principle of American law" by
tinkering with the Posse Comitatus Act.
THE HERETIK FINDS IT astounding that Bush in the most banal ways would yet again use a disaster to destroy liberty. See 9/11 and the Patriot Act.
BUSH IN A NUTSHELL [Political Animal] First, he talks about conservation but asks only that people "pitch
in." He is unwilling to propose any serious government action to reduce
oil use.
Second, he talks about environmental restrictions disliked by the
energy industry. On this score, unlike the first, he is happy to
propose government action.
Third, at the end of a discussion directed solely at oil use,
he suggests that nuclear power is part of the answer, seemingly
oblivious to the fact that nuclear power is a source of electricity, an
industry that uses virtually no oil. Increased use of nuclear power
would have no effect on oil consumption at all.
So there you have it. An instinctive aversion to using government
power when it's opposed by the industry industry, even though
conservation measures could have a big impact on oil use; an almost
palpable eagerness to use any excuse to strip away environmental rules
the energy industry dislikes; and a bland ignorance of basic energy
policy that would embarrass a high school student.
This is the Bush administration in a nutshell.
THE HERETIK ASKS if this is the Bush administration in a nutshell, is the guy in the nutshell nuts?
UNDER THE CONE OF SILENCE [Steve Soto/Left Coaster ] A man who claims he pays no attention to polls suddenly is talking
about gasoline supply and demand, and the best he can do is make a
pitch for more nuclear power plants, which will do about as much to
heat homes this winter and put more gas in everyone’s tank as Don Adams
can right now. Not any mention of raising CAFÉ standards passed his
lips, though. Maybe Bush and Cheney can retreat to the Cone of Silence
to figure out what to do next.
NOT EXACTLY CLEAR [Froomkin/Wapo] Bush, who is not known for his strict adherence to grammar when speaking extemporaneously, was unusually unquotable yesterday.
Here's a topic Bush knows a lot about: Oil. But his remarks
were full of fragment sentences, as well as small-bore statistics and
industry lingo.
Blogger HOLDEN blisteringly calls attention to some of the harder-to-follow passages.
THE HERETIK SAYS not exactly clear, by the way, he wrote--understatement.
SOMETHING IN THE AIR [Avedon Carol] . . . anyone who saw him drooling in the
debates last year should already have tumbled that Bush has some
problem we're not being told about, but there definitely does seem to
be something going on when so many people are spilling the beans. Is it
repudiation time, or are they just getting ready for Bush to say, "I
don't recall," at his impeachment hearings?
THE HERETIK CANNOT RECALL when things have been more strange, but then there always is today.
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