Some sickness runs through our society. The private becomes all too public. While I was at the gym, the television I am captive to had Bill “The Loofah” O’Reilly talking about how the Runaway Bride Jennifer Wilbanks should be punished. Sure, some money might need to go to some police departments that spent considerable time and energy looking for the supposedly kidnapped woman. Why she ran, she doesn’t know. I don’t need to know. Here’s some of what she had to say yesterday:At this time, I cannot explain fully what happened to me last week. I had a host of compelling issues which seemed out of control -- issues for which I was unable to address or confine. Please, may I assure you that my running away had nothing to do with "cold feet," nor was it ever about leaving John. . . .
As John said on countless occasions recently, may we follow the teaching of Scripture, in being kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving, just as God in Christ forgives us. Thank you.
Some people will never be satisfied with such a smoothing over of rough waters not their own. Some people might like this woman to get a bad haircut and scarlet R tattooed on her forehead. Such vengeful people must be very lucky to have never had such similar troubles of the heart themselves.
HERE'S ANOTHER VIEW FROM TALK LEFT COMMENTS: Yeah, I read her apology and there's some contrition, apology and Jesus lovey-dovey Church talk there, and one can be sympathetic to this stressed out woman pulling a runaway bride shtick, but she went too far and, with the kidnaping alibi and report, committed a social wrong against the Hispanic community which demands some remedial justice.
If she said she was kidnapped by some white guy, I wouldn't have any problems with dropping the the "filing false police report" prosecution.
But the gratuitious use of harmful racial crime stereotypes to provide a alibi for one's own mishugas is evil.
Many people have been wrongfully lynched or imprisoned in America for callous white women making up stories, and even if no such phantom patsy Hispanic was strung up on charges for Ms. Runaway Bride, it certainly would support the stereotype that is harmful to many other similarly situated Latinos.
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