GREAT LINKS AND THOUGHTS FROM RJ ESKOW, WATERTIGER, AGITPROP, FEMINISTE, ROGER MORRIS and the rest of the best of the blogs. Somebody should tell Bush about the history of musical instruments and disaster. Um, Nero, dude. And the band played til the end as Titanic went down.
RJ THINKS BUSH PILOTS A RUDDERLESS SHIP THE HERETIK SAYS Oy, Captain, oy captain, your scary trip is done. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Bush looks like he never learned. RJ SAYS Bush fakes playing guitar while New Orleans drowned. WATERTIGER ASKS if everything the Prez gets must have the Presidential seal? WHEN WILL PEOPLE SAY stop playing us for fools? Could Bush seal his own fate more foolishly?
LAUREN AT FEMINISTE SURVEYS a scene more troubled than Bush's conscience:I read this story
and cried for a long while, thinking of the horror of yet another
Sophie’s Choice. The loss, real and imagined, is overwhelming.
WHEN BUSH SEES WATER, maybe he only sees HIMSELF, a modern day know nothing Narcissus.
ROGER MORRIS SAYS IT ALL IN COUNTERPUNCH: This president is not simply the least competent ever thrown up. He is also the most pathological. Every shred of evidence of the man and his rule, every witness, leak, and gesture reek of it. Freshman psychology students and amateur therapists smell it instantly. To quote a distinguished analyst who'll remain anonymous for the sake of his Republican patients:
George W. is a narcissistic personality. He is self referent. He sees things only from his point of view--and by extension sees and represents the America that reflects it. He is able to create a seamless ball into which nothing else can penetrate. As with other narcissistic personalities, he lives his entitlement and grandiosity--in his case even seeing himself as fulfilling God's wishes on earth. He does not need to check any other reality. He knows that what feels right to him is right for everyone. The rules do not apply to him (college, the reserves, etc)--only to those who need rules to do what is right. Unlike Senator Frist, I tend not to diagnose in absentia, but with George W., all of us could go on and on.
On and on is how the pathology will be manifest in the torment of Iraq. It hardly matters how vested Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, the Generals, corporations, media claque, complicit Democrats. Bush is enough. The cowardice and blindness, craftiness and stupidity of the war policy, and of the whole myth-encrusted and corrupt mentality around it, will persist so long as Bush and all who used and accepted him remain in office.
ANOTHER WAY of looking at the disaster from THE DISGRUNTLED CHEMIST MAN IS ARROGANT They think that nature is something to be beaten, not acknowledged. That's why THIS PLAN [from CORRENTE] Via ALTERNATE BRAIN I found the suggestion, linked above, that it's time to give up on New Orleans. And I totally agree. . . . Man can only triumph over nature's entropy for so long. Eventually,
nature wins. And, as insensitive as it sounds, she might have just done
so in New Orleans won't be considered as seriously as it should be.
YEAH, WHAT SHE SAID [SHAKESPEARE'S SISTER] I don’t even know what my point is. I guess just that everything seems really fucked up at the moment.
WRITE ON, SISTER, RIGHT ON Even before this disaster, a disconnect between the real world and the fantasy world of one man has been so evident it hurts the head and would harden the heart, but now is not the time for the head to go soft nor for the heart to turn to stone and sink.
AND THE HERETIK NOW ASKS New Orleans drowns in water, Iraq drowns in blood: how much longer will we allow Bush to drown in his own delusions and take us all down with him?
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