MIERS SINKS to the bottom of the political sea and what nominee will next launch into what are sure to be rough and uncharted waters [story] With all of the skipper Bush’s troubles and the recent rupture in the hull of the once unsinkable Republican ship, opinions diverge on who really will reign in the storm of the next political battle. With Bush insistent that Miers was the best qualified candidate before, how will the apparently less qualified fare in the foul weather ahead?
Among those considered candidates are several federal appeals court judges -- notably Samuel A. Alito Jr., Emilio Garza, J. Michael Luttig, Edith Hollan Jones, Edith Brown Clement, Priscilla Owen, Michael W. McConnell, Janice Rogers Brown and J. Harvie Wilkinson III. Also widely mentioned as possibilities are Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, former deputy attorney general Larry D. Thompson, prominent constitutional lawyer Maureen Mahoney and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Maura Corrigan.
OH, AND WHO will tell Bush he had his head up in his um clouds if he thought Miers was so qualified? Does anyone in the White House really believe the line they sold on privilege as the reason she withdrew? If the White House hasn’t come back to reality on Miers, the days ahead are sure to bring the good folks there back to earth. Back to earth and possibly buried as well.
A QUICK DOUBLE PLAY Matt to Ezra to Mark.THE HERETIK NOTES elections mid term and presidential are not so far off that certain senators will not be swayed by their own ambitions to separate themselves from Bush who now reeks of the flopsweat of a loser.
KLEIN COMES CLEAN [Ezra Klein/ TAP] Over at The National Review, Kathryn Lopez has written the single weirdest response to Harriet Miers' withdrawal that I've yet seen:You know what the relief is this morning? A return to the feeling that this president gets the big things right. There was a detour, but I’m confident we’re going to have good news shortly on SCOTUS, because this president tends to get the big things right. That’s the confidence so many of us have always had in him. And we may have been worried about our assessment for a few weeks there, but there's a renewed confidence this morning.
Wasn't the whole Miers fiasco, to The National Review, an example of getting a Big Thing wrong?
THE HERETIK REPEATS the dictum of the weak for the week: Stupid is as stupid does. The Heretik would never pretend to be better than Ezra here, but it seems certain Republicans are buying in to the idea that the fuhrer in the bunker just had a bad moment on the way to world conquest. A fresh new battle awaits. Shock troops other than the shell shocked Bush may be needed for the Republicans to win on not just this nomination, but in the elections later.A CODA [Echidne] And this is where the Supreme Court comes in and why the nominations matter so very much. One day, sooner than you can believe, George Bush is history, but whomever he nominates on the SCOTUS will not be.
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