Elders Continue Down Path of Dementia with Plans to Further Screw Nation. The Heretik Joe Ivory Mattingly knows he is damned when he reads competing story plants on the same day about various Bush dynasty fantasies. Apparently all the Republicans think it takes to get elected is to be named Bush. Put your name on the ballot, let people pretend to vote, then take the throne so rightfully Bush. Or so it seems. Maybe somebody along with the Heretik is damned. All of us are damned. Someone save me from the tyranny of the dumb and dumber.
Someone should call Larry King and tell him it is time he pulled his head out of Dick Cheney’s huge ass. I cannot wait to look further at the transcript of this CNN interview he did with Dark Dick, Vader of Vengeance and Master of Premature Victory Ejaculations. Larry, let me know if you know when someone is lying ever.
Cheney is so confident in the Bush mojo he thinks Laura Bush could win in 2008. Laura I’m Telling Cock Jokes Bush would defeat Hillary Health Care Disaster Bill Clinton in 2008. Lynne How Dare You Called My Outed Lesbian Daughter a Lesbian Cheney thinks Laura Bush is a great idea too. Maybe will see a losing Laura Lynney ticket for a bad movie remake in 2008.
UPDATE ON LARRY KING: Apparently King Was Able to Pull His Head Out of Cheney’s Chunky Butt. Great news for journalism, Larry. But not sure how your voice seems so strong when you promptly climbed up a dark ladder into the attic of Poppy Bush’s ass. After the Laura rules the country and people find out she was good at handling cock, at least in terms of jokes, we have another Bush waiting to burn with the passion of politics. Jeb. John Ellis Bush may be his real name and he would be real scary running for President. But his name is Bush so he qualifies. That obnoxious Billy Bush, the one you cannot avoid at awards shows may run as well. I want to be adopted by the Bush family and run for president. Joe Ivory Bush. JIB. JIB would follow JEB who would follow Laura. Laura and Lynney in 2008 would defeat Clinton, Hillary and whoever. Because Laura, with her vast policy decisions on White House chefs, would really cook herself.REUTERS First lady Laura Bush would defeat U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton if the two were to face each other in the 2008 presidential contest, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Monday.
Cheney made the prediction after his wife, Lynne Cheney, suggested the matchup in an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live."
Mrs. Cheney noted the rampant speculation that the former first lady, now a senator from New York, would make a bid in the next presidential go-around. President Bush cannot seek a third term in office. His father, former President Bush, was defeated after one term by former President Bill Clinton.
"You know, people are thinking of Mrs. Clinton running for president. I think Mrs. Bush ought to run for president," Mrs. Cheney said. "If we want to have a Bush dynasty, let's get Laura Bush."
The vice president, who again ruled out making his own run for president when Bush's term ends, agreed.
"It's a great idea," Dick Cheney said. "And I think I know who would win too."
CNN In an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live," former President Bush said he would want Jeb to run for president "someday," but now was not the time.
"The timing's wrong. The main thing is, he doesn't want to do it. Nobody believes that," Bush said.
But he and wife Barbara both said they believed Jeb, 52, did not want to run in the next presidential race.
Bush said he did not have a favorite candidate for the Republican nomination to succeed his son, President Bush.
Barbara Bush said she believed Senator and former first lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton would be the Democratic nominee in the 2008 presidential race. "I'm not going to vote for her, but I'm betting on her," she said.
Somebody Should Tell Bill Frist He Should Keep Drinking What Looks Like Embalming Fluid. Whoever told him Frist he should quit the Senate and had a chance of being President is probably drinking too.
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