And on Hidden Meanings in Plain Sight. I was blind but now I see. I see what is going on in our holy “War on Terror” thanks to the likes of Rush Limbaugh. While the pharmaceutical loving fat boy will soon have more legal problems and probably won’t have to face frat boy blowing off steam at the hands of his prison guards, Rush Limbaugh actually reveals some shame about something, though he may not realize it. Mister Over the Top who Didn’t Buy His Drugs Over the Counter has some very patriotic tee shirts based on our barbwire paradise at Gitmo.
A MUST Have. Club G'itmo logo on front. "What Happens in G'itmo stays in G'itmo emblazoned on back." Available in Institutional Orange only in sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, and now in XXXL & XXXXL!
Rush, if you are so proud of what happens in Gitmo, why should it stay in Gitmo? If you are so hot for bad treatment of people not even charged with crimes over there, maybe somebody should waterboard your fleshy face to find out about all of those prescription drugs your corpulent conscience can’t seem to avoid? Love the idea of institutional orange clothing in the XXXXL size? Get used to it. You will be wearing it soon enough.
Regarding the idea that there will always be abuses and there is nothing we can do about them, might I suggest that it is a lot more defensible when we are not the aggressors in a preemptive war. The Bush Doctrine means that we can attack a nation before there is an imminent threat, and without the support of other nations. But by initiating a unilateral attack in absence of an imminent threat, we are implicitly claiming the moral high ground. It is imperative, then, that we accept only the highest standards of conduct in such a war.
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