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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

Search And Destroy

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Member since 02/2005


December 09, 2005



So is this Lefty's tonight?

Shakespeare's Sister

Good evening, Betty. The usual for me, please. It's a romantic evening.

The Heretik

'Freude, this is the place.


Sis, what are you having? Taittinger? My favorite champagne.


So what's the topic ... tearing up the "goddamn piece of paper" that's what's left of the Constitution?

Shakespeare's Sister

I always have amaretto on the rocks. It's just about the only thing I drink. ;-)


Well, blogenfreude, they obviously tore up all of Clinton's files on bin Laden.


All I Want For Christmas Is Our Troops Home

Jeff (no, the other one)

"'Scuse me, Mr. President, there's some toilet paper stuck to your shoe, there... oh, sorry, it's just what's left of the Constitution, my bad...!"

Overheard last weekend: take a lemon wedge coated with sugar; do a shot of half Frangelico, half Absolut Citron; suck the lemon. It's supposed to taste like chocolate cake.

Blechhhhhh. I'll take a Glenlivet, 18 yr. old if you got it, with a dash of water.

The Heretik

DEFAULT THEME? Is Typepad better or worse than Blogger? Why?

The Heretik

Blogenf and Watertiger, did you go to the Imagine Circle last night?


Watertiger, this is what makes me want to emigrate from our fair city to someplace in France. I will buy a Citroen, live on escargot and Montrachet, and pledge my soul to Jacques Whomever-is-in-Power. What do you zeenk? Eh?

Shakespeare's Sister

Is Typepad better or worse than Blogger? Why?

I would have said Typepad awhile ago, but, as I literally just emailed someone, I no longer have Blogger shame now that Typepad acts like an asshole, too, on a fairly regular basis.

For design flexibility, Blogger is a zillion times better, IMO.


Speaking of the War on Christmas, my link is to Colbert's commentary last night on The Movies Destroying America: Holiday Christmas Edition. In it we get the instantly classic line: "This is worse than taking the Christ out of Christmas. This is taking the Christ out of Jesus."

Mannion's Mother

Jeff, the other one, you must try one of these Screaming Eagles


Heretik - went up about 8:30, and could not get too close, but heard the music. Hard to believe it - he's dead, and George W. Bush still walks the earth.

Night Bird

Evening...we had a snow day! Red wine please, Sir!

Shakespeare's Sister

Hard to believe it - he's dead, and George W. Bush still walks the earth.

Ouch. True.


tyoepad? we pay money, and the comments still fail to post unless you BANG THE MOUSE.

The Heretik

Blogenf, in memory of John, I want you to go to that place in elbow of Baxter Street on the west side and have some dim sum. I saw Lennon, John in there once.


That used to be my comment about Reagan ... our taxpayer dollars keeping him walking the earth ... he was alive, yet X, and Y and Z, were dead. Reagan's gone, but the Dear Leader is alive. And who would not have traded the life of a Dangerfield, a Derrida, or (shortly and sadly), a Pinter. The Cretin of Crawford will still walk the earth into his 90s. Mark me!


Heretik - I live a couple blocks from Baxter - consider it done. Just no duck's feet ...

Betty Blogger

Typepad told The Heretik he had no hits for two hours today. He cried like a baby.

Betty Blogger

Oy. What is wrong here?


No hits? He's ALWAYS a hit. Bitchezzzz.

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