STEELY RICE The ultimate irony on the German portion of this for Rice must be the case of Khaled al Masri. For people who think she has no dignity in her non apologies for torture and black sites, the former Condi will be a kind surprise. Condoleezza Rice is the person responsible for the release of Khaled al Masri.
A German citizen detained for five months in an Afghan prison was released in May 2004 on direct orders from Condoleezza Rice, then the national security adviser, after she learned the man had been mistakenly identified as a terror suspect, government officials said Friday.
DOES POWER CORRUPT or has Rice made a devil’s bargain? Is she the wrong person at the wrong time in history. The Heretik wonders. Rice in her press availability moment with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. [transcript]
As to the case of Mr. Al-Masri, I am not going to comment on any specific case. There are reports to -- newspaper reports and, of course, I believe this is going to be a matter for litigation, so it's properly handled in that channel. I did say to the Chancellor that when and if mistakes are made, we work very hard and as quickly as possible to rectify them. Any policy will sometimes have mistakes and it is our promise to our partners that should that be the case, that we will do everything that we can to rectify those mistakes.
IS CONDOLEEZZA RICE TRIPPING? Has she stumbled over something today she did better in the past? Khaled al Masri surely knows. He is suing the CIA for his extraordinary rendition the day his damsel during his distress is discussing his very situation at great distance in his home country.
PREVIOUS HERETIK POST on Rice and Extraordinary Rendition: Extraordinary BS FOLLOW UP POST Black on Blue
ABOUT KHALED AL MASRI ACLU sues CIA on Khaled Masri. Al Masri's Story. ACLU Extraordinary Rendition Fact Sheet.
Condi is, as usual, tripping.
Posted by: Anita | December 07, 2005 at 02:55 AM
To avoid litegation, the US policy now will be to bury the mistakes in the desert. Pick up an innocent person, kidnap and torture. Cheaper to kill them and no one is wiser.
Posted by: dick muesser | December 07, 2005 at 08:09 AM