HIT THE BUTTON Bush is back where he started fighting the war and Democrats at the same time. More patience will be needed in Iraq for us to “win” there and more attacks will be needed for Bush to “win” at home.
[Bush]was encouraged by the prospect of broader political participation in Iraq, but he warned that successful voting will not make the insurgents "give up," and he urged continued "patience" by both Iraqis and Americans.
Speaking before the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, Bush took on critics of his Iraq war policy in stark terms, accusing some of them of making "irresponsible charges" against him that he said have been politically motivated and have "hurt the morale of our troops."PROGRESS remains an illusion. [White House speech transcript] Republicans and Democrats should both think of who “wins” if Bush’s rhetoric remains unchallenged.
(LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) UPDATE Both are back in a big way, at least as the White House sees it. I see some of the political leaders who are here, and I presume you've invited me to uphold the scholars' end. (Laughter.) . . .. In the war on terror, Iraq is now the central front (NO APPLAUSE) . . . .We will fight this war without wavering -- and we will prevail. (Applause.)
. . . we cannot -- and will not -- leave Iraq until victory is achieved. (Applause.)
THE CENTRAL FRONT on the War on Terror was is and will be at Osama bin Laden’s doorstep. Did Bush mention Osama bin Laden? Bush has no problem mentioning September Eleventh as start for his war? Why does he avoid mentioning Osama anywhere near its middle or its end now?