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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

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Member since 02/2005


November 22, 2005



That CNN chose an "X", and not a "G" or "B" is proof enough that this attack on the Veep was orchestrated at the highest levels. Three "X"es and you're porno!

Cheney and the X-Files

p.s. - Cheney has no intention of ever releasing the videos he made in the basement of the White House with those abducted Iraqi children (although his lack of denial is truly deafening).


Bob Gramm was on Brian Lehrer show this morning ... he confirmed that the intelligence seen by most of the legislators that voted for the war was, um, cooked.

Neil Shakespeare

Can we call him 'The X Man' from now on? Or maybe the 'Hex Man'...or for that matter the 'Ex Man'...although I'm not sure he was ever a man. I think lots of folks out there are throwing voodoo at the screen whenever they see his snarling visage.

Craig McDonough
" Cheney supporters go nuts over X on Cheney in CNN broadcast."

Remember, some of these are the same ones who think that rewriting Murtha's resolution was "honest editing."

And refuse to believe that there just *might* be a "normal" explanation.

On the other hoof, I will admit that I find it amusing that the Freepers are getting all bent out of shape over two mucking frames of video.

And the Right-ists claim that Oliver Stone is a paranoid and sees conspiracies under every grassy knoll?

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