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November 27, 2005



As we now know, Saddam Hussein was working with al-Qaida and was trying to acquire long-range missiles from North Korea and enriched uranium from Niger.
Not only did she drink the Kool Aid, she made it.

Neil Shakespeare

You might have to allocate more column space to the 'Slime Time News', H. Must be hard on you tryin' to fit all that crap in every day.

Kathy Kattenburg

The Heretik says I SPY? Why do the official types always play us like we are lost in some Sixties McKrap television series. I SPY? Where are Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 from Get Smart? Can the government get smart and stop paying out money to duplicate spy agencies? At some point we will have enough spy agencies that they will spy on each other. Or do we have that already? Oy.

Nice riff on the I Spy motif. :)


Coulter and her adams apple are a great example of the "dumb as rocks" crowd on the Right. Every time she opens her mouth she exposes the hypocrisy and bigoted mindset of the GOP and Bush apologists.

Why the mainstream media entertains her ridiculousness is beyond me. Maybe its because of her adams apple?


How in the hell does Ann Coulter get away with those bold face lies?

The same way the President does I guess.

Those 37% of the people that believe that bull crap.


How long before the Bushstappo declares our blogs a securtiy threat, shuts them down, and ships us off to GITMO?

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