ALL THE OOZE THAT DRIPS and drops our way today TM. Are trees being hugged today or what? The House has shelved plans for drilling in the ANWR [story] Caribou must have hired Jack Abramoff to lobby [more] And speaking of Jack, he can get you a meeting with the President of the United States for a cool . . . nine million [story] The indicted Abramoff is well connected to the indicted Tom Delay. The sludge continues to bog up the smooth transmission of the White House message. [Froomkin]
SO LOOK for Republican dogs to attack [story] But Dick’s dogs of doom have lost their bite. Sucks to be you, Cheney. [story] The Patriot Act may actually come close to respecting the Fourth amendment. [story] As the sun rises today, a thin oily sheen still shines on once clear waters. Oy.AND SO IT BLOWS . . .
THREE CHEERS FOR THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE [John Cole/Balloon Juice] It made no sense to me that these needed to be ten year limits- we manage to hold national elections every four years. Congress can’t hold a vote on whether these [Patriot Act]provisions be continued every 4 years, as well? Are they that busy?
THE HERETIK LOUDLY applauds Congress doing its job. Hit the gym, kids, and be ready for work again tomorrow.THE MAJORITY HAS SPOKEN [Generation Why] Don't know if those guys in Congress are just victims of our failing public school system, but I wish somebody would remind them that having more representatives than the other guys means you're IN THE MAJORITY. With the title "majority party" comes certain privileges, namely... passing the legislation that your constituents want passed!
THE HERETIK NOTES Generation Why obviously has not seen why polls show majority of voters want ANWR left pristine. Nice try. On the other hand, the oil lobbyists are pissed. This Congress was already bought and paid for . . . *sigh* Damned caribou. When a hugged tree falls in the forest, does it laugh? Cookie Jill has more for crunchy types.
Congress can’t hold a vote on whether these [Patriot Act]provisions be continued every 4 years, as well? Are they that busy?. You bet ... they have to do stuff like pass Terry Schiavo resolutions and, if possible, conduct more Clinton hearings.
Posted by: blogenfreude | November 10, 2005 at 04:24 PM