BUSH MAKES A HARD TURN backward. But on stage he can’t pull the war rabbit out of his hat. The guy can’t admit a mistake. So now it is back to the sales job that hasn’t sold in quite a while. Bush will need more tricks than he currently has shown.
"That's the trick for the president -- he has to turn around public opinion when he's at a low point in the polls," said John Weaver, a political strategist for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). "What they've got to do is win this argument and correct the misinformation that's out there about what's going on in Iraq and do so while leveling with the American people that it's going to be a long, hard slog."
IT WILL TAKE more than a trick, a lot more than another sales pitch to “correct the misinformation.” Bush’s problem is the people are a little too informed. And for people feeling previously tricked, John Weaver’s terminology is as poor as Bush’s repackaging of an old product.
TIP FOR ANDY CARD You don’t introduce old products in November, when people are already winter weary of war. Dan Froomkin has some great analysis. The key points?
Bush's speech -- combined with a new, rosy, slogan-filled White House document entitled " Victory in Iraq " -- kicks off a bold public-relations campaign to recast the debate about the war.
But there are several reasons to suspect that it might not work:
* It doesn't answer the most compelling question in contemporary American politics: When are the troops coming home?
* It doesn't even include any objective ways of measuring progress towards an eventual U.S. pullout.
* It is at heart a restatement, rather than a reappraisal, of a strategy that according to the polls the American public has overwhelmingly rejected.
* The White House did not address, not to mention refute, the argument that the continued presence of American troops is making things worse, rather than better.
* And nothing Bush said is likely to change the fact that he has a big credibility problem with most Americans.COMPLETE WHAT? We will never accept anything but complete victory repeated over and over and over again sounds like complete BS.
WHAT YOU WILL HEAR a lot of for the next week at least.[White House transcript]
Q Secondly, about the speech, couldn't people fairly ask why it is that the President hasn't had a strategy for victory before November 2005?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, that's inaccurate.NEW, BUT NOT IMPROVED Bush basically admitted today that "terrorists" are a small portion of the
insurgencyresistanceenemy. Who will call him on this? [White House speech transcript]The third group is the smallest, but the most lethal: the terrorists affiliated with or inspired by al Qaeda . Many are foreigners who are coming to fight freedom's progress in Iraq. This group includes terrorists from Saudi Arabia, and Syria, and Iran, and Egypt, and Sudan, and Yemen, and Libya, and other countries. Our commanders believe they're responsible for most of the suicide bombings, and the beheadings, and the other atrocities we see on our television.
BUSH WILL ALSO NEED to explain just what "the rejectionists" are rejecting.
A LITTLE LATE ON THIS TOO A broad Pentagon directive issued this week orders the U.S. military to be sure, the next time it goes to war, to prepare more thoroughly for picking up the pieces afterward.
NOW THAT’S PROGRESS In fact, Mr. Bush came the closest he has yet to acknowledging mistakes - without calling them that - since August 2004, when in an interview he acknowledged a "miscalculation" in assessing how quickly an insurgency might develop. The Heretik now realizes mistakes (and admitting them) are for those who don't have a
two and half years too latePlan for Victory.MISCALCULATION FROM MISS
CHEERLEADERBUMILLER The political calculation behind President Bush's speech in Annapolis on Wednesday is that Washington, not Baghdad, is the battlefront that will decide the ultimate outcome of the war in Iraq, but that Mr. Bush's decisions do not have to be driven by fears of heavy Republican losses in the 2006 midterm elections. The Heretik knows Ms. Cheerleader Bumiller is getting this news straight from under somebody’s desk, probably Rumsfeld’s, but this is um the road to disaster. Whether Bush will “lose” in Iraq may be debated. Whether he “wins” at home may be something Republicans up for election can’t wait for. If you want a clue where Bumiller stands on this, her piece is entitled Gaining Control in Iraq, and Regaining Support at Home.
UPDATE THURSDAY AM Dem in CT at The Next Hurrah has bad news for the cheerleader girl and cheerleader Boy President in the White House. The Heretik completely agrees Bush may think he can run on Iraq . . . but he will run into complete disaster.
TIP FOR BUMILLER Once people read past the headline, they will see you run as broad and as shallow as Bush. Whether Bumiller is a Bush plant in the press here or not remains for speculation another day, but it can't help Bush's cred on the street, Arab or Wall, that the United States is planting Bush stories burning with the fire of freedom in Iraq. Can you say propaganda?
SAY HELLO to the Lincoln Group. HOW THE LINCOLN GROUP describes itself Our professionals often work in foreign communities where crime, insurgency, terrorism, extreme poverty and instability make communications and operations an extreme challenge. So, people often wonder "How Can You Work There?" It's not simple, but we rely on our experience, quality people, flexibility, and a low profile to get the job done. The Heretik says low profile? Very low, but obviously not low enough.
GOOD TIMING, LINCOLN It comes as the State Department is training Iraqi reporters in basic journalism skills and Western media ethics, including one workshop titled "The Role of Press in a Democratic Society." Standards vary widely at Iraqi newspapers, many of which are shoestring operations.
TRICKS? Did somebody say tricks? More obviously will be needed.
PREVIOUS HERETIK POST on Bush speech today [Cut and Run With It]
GROUP SPEAK What do you do when you're not working? That all depends upon location and interest. Most of us use our free time to explore the countries we work in. Our staff enjoy dinners with the local community, shopping in new markets, and travel to ancient sites most people only read about. We often meet with senior officials from the local nation and gain new insight into the country's future. We also volunteer our time to assist local community efforts. You might also find us speaking at industry, academic and government sponsored events.
NOW APPARENT to those with new eyes or those who have eyes now open is Bush cannot give up the fight. The goal of whatever might be accomplished by “winning” in Iraq is now sacrificed to Bush’s ego. He must be the one to “win” in Iraq. And he thinks he can use Iraq to win in the 2006 midterm elections. Sy Hersch looks right on Bush only talking to God. See Maha also on Murtha with Chris Matthews on Harbdall.
BUT WHAT ABOUT the apparent schizophrenia of the White House mind that used to be so on message? Rice says withdrawals are coming in Iraq, Rumsfeld says it's their country, and don't look for Cheney to be anything but Cheney. The Bush White House is like the hydra of myth. Once one snapping talking head is lopped off, two more spring up to replace it.
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