WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE CONFUSION What you see on our tee shirts is a true expression of the great respect we have for young girls’ BOOBS opinions. We believe nothing is more important in our young women than the full development of their BOOBS mental faculties. Anyone who doesn’t respect a woman with a great RACK mind sells himself short. Thank you. [story via Blondesense]
[Not Laughing] [Will Not Lighten Up]
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Ah, if only it were ironic. But it isn't, Heretik, because the same sexism we would have killed in the 70's is now very much in fashion. To protest it is to be "politically correct" (God forbid), or without a sense of humor. When women let go of the feminist movement, they got Abercrombie & Fitch and MTV and Clarence Thomas and oh, so much more.
Posted by: Diane | November 03, 2005 at 10:34 AM
Hello Joe,
Sorry for the inconvenience, but my old site is no longer in my control. It seems to have been taken over by a porn site. I started over from scratch here:
I'll be rebuilding for a while. Again, ,my apologies for the inconvenience.
The poster formerly known as Desi
Posted by: Desi | November 03, 2005 at 12:37 PM
Corporatocracy will evolve to Corpornocracy--or something like that--as I see it, if it hasn't already. Then again, advertising, or as they call it these days, "marketing," is all porn to me.
Posted by: surfs up | November 03, 2005 at 01:00 PM
Oh god. As an old hippie feminist (before that became an "F" word) this is so disgusting to me. I bet my self-sufficient, equality-demanding female ancestors are rolling over in their graves. And just you watch, the same shit we struggled so hard to eliminate that has now been recast in the fundie-driven mud lights, is going to come back around and bite these young cheeks right in their apples and then we're going to hear a massive outcry over the injustices and the whole damn thing will start all over again -- from the beginning.
Then you'll see looks of recognition slowly dawning on their heavily made-up, innocent faces as they think to themselves: Oh! So THIS is what my mother and grandmother were fighting for! NOW I get it...
You can lead a pair of boobs to water, but you can't make them drink.
Unless it's tequila on spring break.
Posted by: Kate S. | November 03, 2005 at 01:55 PM
Well, I suppose you could cut your brain in half and use them for breast enlargement surgery. Might be a bit lumpy, and of course you'd be taking a chance on schizophrenic protruberances. But I'm all for free speech, you know. Hmmm. What can I put on my shorts?
Posted by: Neil Shakespeare | November 03, 2005 at 02:08 PM
Hey Diane, today it's "politically correct" to be a misogynist, greedy bigot who has a thing for teenagers with big tits. These tees are as correct politically as anything on the market!
I find it so distressing, all our moving-backwards. And it's happening so fast. Will we wake up and find ourselves enslaved again by outrageous gender inequality? I don't know what I fear most: the objectification embodied in these tees or the repression that will come if we let the religious fundamentalists gain more control. What a dichotomy we're facing in these early days of the 21st century. We're being turned into virgin/whore, one-in-the-same, double-sided play things.
Posted by: Kate | November 03, 2005 at 08:14 PM
I've had it up to here with those tools. Right up there with that horrible tee-shirt you mention is their HUNG LIKE A REPUBLICAN line, and I've got a picture of it here.
Posted by: Pepper | November 03, 2005 at 10:50 PM
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