DEVIL WORSHIPPERS are not happy this Xmas. First up: there will be no Devil Dog
ChristmasXmas stamp this year. Even if people just wanted a nicenon religious“artistic” stamp forChristmasthe holidays, they can’t getthe Madonna and ChildDevil Dog and Pup. The government says the Devil Dog has his place, just not on stamps. Tasteful, Renaissance renditions of the hellhound by the masters on stamps will be replaced with stamps featuring tasty cookies. Why does the government hateJesusThe Devil Dog? Don't they realize the devil spawn put the X in Xmas?
THE WAR ON the Devil Dog can be seen nightly on Fox News right after most of the program that will be dedicated to the War onXmasChristmas. Neither of these religious wars should be considered part of the government’s Global War on Terror (GWOT), a completely owned subsidiary of the War on Everything TM.