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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

Search And Destroy

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Member since 02/2005


November 29, 2005



Cunningham went out there and acted ashamed ... turns out all he had to do was wait for a judge to do it ...

Neil Shakespeare

Bush's new policy is "catch & eat". Details at my place.


Bush's whole discussion is so simplistic and wrongheaded. First of all "these people" (like we can tell who that is) are not all from Mexico and they don't all have a place to go back to. Here in Calif it is difficult to tell (without asking) who has documents and who does not. Those undocumented workers I know of are as hard-working as the next guy; they are very family oriented and law abiding. They want the same thing everybody else wants--to feed and clothe their families, raise their children with a decent education and live in relative safety. I hate the whole jokey quality of "catch and release" like they're not people. Many Americans employ them, not to exploit them, but to help them.


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