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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

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Member since 02/2005


October 01, 2005


ol cranky

you missed the best part, she actually claimed blow jobs are major infractions compared to money laundering as well.

Neil Shakespeare

Doggone it. I just started a series called "Moments of Whiteness" and I got Gwyneth Paltrow to host, but by golly molly why didn't I think of Ann first?!! Stupid! Stupid!!

I must say I agree with her though. It should be against the law to be Republican, and they should all be rounded up and shipped off to Guantanmo. May I suggest we start at the top, with everyone in the White House. We can work down the chain of indictments from there.

Lawrence of Arrakis

Hee hee. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when I went to Media Matters and saw the video of Alan Colmes actually GROWING A PAIR OF BALLS and taking her down on her inane Pat-Tillman-Loved-George-Bush-The-Way-Sully-Loves-Rubberless-Cock spiel. She looked like a beaten dog.

Morgaine Swann

How insulting! How could you slam Medusa that way... hee.

Paul Hooson

Every good progressive must have their favorite Ann Coulter outright lie. Mine is the one where she started a false story that disabled Vietnam War veteran Max Cleland was on the way to drink and blew his own legs and an arm off with a grenade in an apparent drunken state.

But even Gen. Colin Powell's office had to respond out of anger to this outright lie by Coulter. Max Cleland was part of the American troops flown in by helicopter to back up the surrounded American forces in the battle of Khe Sanh. When these relief troops including a young Max Cleland jumped off the military helicopter they were ambushed by heavy Viet Cong fire, and a grenade was shot off one of the soldiers gun belts and expoded and gravely injured max Cleland and killed others. There was no bar or place to drink on this bloddy battlefield.

How Coulter came up with the outright lie about Cleland was a mere work of fiction as well as a socipathic partisan drive to find fault with Democrats even if she has to make up the facts.

I once heard one person refer to Coulter as "Satan's Barbie Doll", well I wouldn't go that quite that far, but she certainly knows how to "bear false witness against others" to promote her very partisan political views. For Ann Coulter, her column's sometime reflect mere fiction writing rather than factual reporting and commentary.

Read more progressive commentary at

Paul Hooson

Every good progressive must have their favorite Ann Coulter outright lie. Mine is the one where she started a false story that disabled Vietnam War veteran Max Cleland was on the way to drink and blew his own legs and an arm off with a grenade in an apparent drunken state.

But even Gen. Colin Powell's office had to respond out of anger to this outright lie by Coulter. Max Cleland was part of the American troops flown in by helicopter to back up the surrounded American forces in the battle of Khe Sanh. When these relief troops including a young Max Cleland jumped off the military helicopter they were ambushed by heavy Viet Cong fire, and a grenade was shot off one of the soldiers gun belts and expoded and gravely injured max Cleland and killed others. There was no bar or place to drink on this bloddy battlefield.

How Coulter came up with the outright lie about Cleland was a mere work of fiction as well as a socipathic partisan drive to find fault with Democrats even if she has to make up the facts.

I once heard one person refer to Coulter as "Satan's Barbie Doll", well I wouldn't go that quite that far, but she certainly knows how to "bear false witness against others" to promote her very partisan political views. For Ann Coulter, her column's sometime reflect mere fiction writing rather than factual reporting and commentary.

Read more progressive commentary at

Raoul Bloodworth

If what you say is true, then how come Cleland was not awarded a Purple Heart for the acident that injured him? I'll tell you why - because to receive a Purple Heart, the injury must have been sustained during enemy action, (unless you are John Kerry, but that's another story). And as for your assertion that there were "no bars or place[es] to drink on theis bloddy [sic] battlefield," you clearly were never there, because there were caches of beer and informal bars all over the place.

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