SILENCE MAY BE GOLDEN, but more often is far less than that. Our leaders of late are leaden, without courage, waiting for in some way to be convinced of what is now so obvious to others. [story] Only two Democrats from Congress appeared yesterday to speak out in Washington against the war. If Democrats cannot speak against the war, just what can Democrats speak for?
DEMOCRATS STILL LACK THE COURAGE to join the fight when even overwhelming numbers speak out against the war. Leading Democrats don’t want to be associated yet with what is right. Who speaks courageously now will want to be associated with the silent cowards later? Democrats might want to think about that.
DEM DEMS [The Sideshow ] Fear. What, are they afraid the right-wingers won't respect them? Too late! Are they afraid Karl Rove will release falsehoods about them (or maybe even a few real skeletons)? Do they really think appeasement will stop him? Are they worried that the wingers might send them some more anthrax? That might be a realistic fear, at least.HEART OF DARKNESS [Whiskey Bar] I've read and considered the views of those who argue the American occupation is provoking, not restraining the march towards civil war, and that a U.S. withdrawal would lead to a reduction in violence, not an explosion of it. But to me, those arguments have always had a wiff of rationalization about them -- of ducking the hard moral choices involved.