THE FRENCH REPORT THE LEGAL HEIRS OF MARIE ANTOINETTE ARE SUING George Bush for besmirching her relative good reputation. They request lots of
lootingloot in compensation. These reports are not true. But they could be. When informed that the people had no bread, Marie Antoinette infamously said, “Let them eat cake.” And then she lost her head.FOR PEOPLE WHO MAKE LESS BREAD, who now have nothing to eat, George Antoinette Bush sends a message loud and clear. They must eat something else, less sweet and more pungent than any bakery cake. We must all now eat what Bush serves up.
WE ARE ALL SO ROYALLY SCREWED In this Age of Unenlightenment, victims are told to take responsibility for others’ mistakes not their own. Victims are asked to be patient in their hunger. Wait a moment more please, then die. And do it off camera, sils vous plaites, while Bush plays at being king without care. Or is it queen?
WE ARE WITNESS TO ANCIENT TRAGEDY MADE NOW AGAIN NEW I blame the parents specifically the mother. When you get down to it, George Bush is truly a fortunate son of a five star bitch. Tearful, sobby W is the son of George H.W. Bush, but SOB Bush is the spawn of spiteful BARBARA, the white witch. Warm welcome now for the cold tale of George W. Bush, Oedipus Putz, now also known as Antoinette.
MARIE ANTOINETTE MIGHT TELL BUSH THE SECRET To avoid losing your head, first don’t lose your heart. Sir, we are such stuff as bad dreams are made on. The fault, dear brute, is not in our stars, but in ourselves. So might say Marie, were her head still here with breath. Reports that we will hear complaint to Bush by Antoinette’s heirs are still untrue, but other complaints and a new republic await Bush tomorrow.HAS THEIR EVER BEEN a leader more out of touch with the led?
[FACTESQUE] The Classy Thing to Do [AGITPROP] Chickenhawk Vacation[AGITPROP] KATRINA ONE WEEK LATER Say what you want about his extra-marital affair, but at least Clinton didn't cut funding and staff to FEMA for three straight years in a row like the Chimperor has. Thanks Dubya! Republic of T notes that Al Gore was helping hurricane victims evacuate from New Orleans and flying them to his home state of Tennessee. He kept these actions under the radar without any fanfare unlike Bush's Friday photo-ops. Last but not least, I recommend reading or watching Keith Olbermann's hard-hitting editorial from yesterday evening.
[FEMINISTE] MEMO TO BUSH Fire FEMA director Michael Brown. Even Michelle Malkin agrees. . . . .Also, for the first time ever, I feel confident that Al Gore would have been a great and humble leader.
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
Posted by: Lauren | September 06, 2005 at 07:56 AM
Most outstanding! Bravo! Bravo!
As an aside, have you noticed his hair has turned blond? I think he knows his political beheading is coming.
Posted by: Rook | September 06, 2005 at 08:27 AM
Ok. Now I hope not to spoil your fun, because myth is not always the truth. And so too is the sad tale of Marie Antoinette:
That being said, let us hope that we can get to the truth about Acme, Inc.'s push for war and the blatant robbery of the companies treasury.
And sometimes, though not steeped in fact, myth makes for a better vehicle of describing today's truth.
Posted by: Rook | September 06, 2005 at 08:35 AM
[K]ing without care... or is it queen?
More like one of the Jokers, if you ask me...
Posted by: Mimus Pauly | September 06, 2005 at 08:42 AM
I think, in New Orleans, the proper toss-off would be "Let them eat king cake."
I'd like to say this is one of your best, but I think that about all of them.
Posted by: Diane | September 06, 2005 at 10:12 AM
Boy, H., that is UGLY! Frightening! You've given me daymares!
Oh, and I have a link for you. Kirill Nils Senior in Kiev, Ukraine explains what 'Chertoff' means in Russian at:
Posted by: Neil Shakespeare | September 06, 2005 at 11:00 AM
Let them eat yellowcake?
Posted by: Agi T. Prop | September 06, 2005 at 11:10 AM
Agi, that was scathingly brilliant!
Heretik, I got a peppery link for you: George's Mommy and Daddy to the Rescue!
Posted by: Pepper | September 06, 2005 at 12:46 PM
I have always been of the strong opinion that Gore would have been a great president. Too bad it didn't happen...
Posted by: Clancy | September 06, 2005 at 12:58 PM
Rook's "correction" is even more disturbing-- so even Marie was more in touch with her people, trying to get by on less, and trying to make a difference, when those-with-money smeared her good name and eventually got her killed?
So what Bush is doing is WORSE? Ooooooooh good.
Posted by: UnapologeticAtheist | September 06, 2005 at 02:46 PM
You aren't alone!
Posted by: Chuck | September 06, 2005 at 04:40 PM
Let me (and McCain) eat cake...
Now hear this chord...
Posted by: cruelanimal | September 06, 2005 at 06:42 PM
Brilliant post, Cher Amie, but please don't call Babs a "witch" - not even with a small "w". We get enough bad publicity - Goddess help us if we become associated with the Katrina Conservatives.
Posted by: Morgaine Swann | September 06, 2005 at 10:00 PM
His Highness has visited my humble blog a time or two...
Posted by: Alicia | September 07, 2005 at 12:09 AM