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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


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Member since 02/2005


September 26, 2005


Agi T. Prop

I am 41% slut (I was raised as a *good* Catholic boy)

The news about Bill Frist came out at a peculiar time. I think Rove and the Bush family were behind it. They are trying to eliminate or neutralize potential candidates for 2008. Rove has been reading the Art of War.

Neil Shakespeare

Hi H., Well for something really, really depressing in the ongoing "warporn" saga, I'd recommend Whiskey Bar (Billmon)and Hullabaloo (Digby) as well as AMERICAblog which has all the links to the deep dirt. Support Our Troops? I don't think so.

Agi T. Prop

It appears that has been shut down, probably due to bandwith. I checked it out yesterday and trust me, it's fucked up. I saw pics of male and female soldiers doing the nasty in military bases. Surprisingly the Pentagon knows about it and doesn't care.


On Pissed On Politics, Vietnam Vet Who Knows Better throws down with this:


I'll take Vodka on the rocks....and leave the bottle. Thanks! Grey Goose if you have it...

CE Petro

I tested out at 71%. Hell, and I thought I was just average.

Anyway, just to drop a bomb on the conversation -- Bush & Co are appealing the partial-birth unconstitutionality rulings to SCOTUS.

I'm not surprised, and I am definately not happy. Perhaps this will solidify dems that are caving?


Hope that people are going to watch this tonight. Looks like it's going to be AMAZING.

Echidne  of the snakes

Here is the link to win all competitions of links to the stupidest thing you have ever heard:
Brownie's New Job

Echidne  of the snakes

Only 44% slut but then I lied. I always lie in these tests. And I can't remember the number of men who have adored me. I'm a goddess, after all. It's part of the job.


Peach martini please! And I'm no slut, just merely horny all the time. ;)


I am exactly 69% slut. What a great number!

Regards, C


If you haven't seen this one yet, then spread it around!

Brownie's new job is....wait ofr a contractor for FEMA.

They want him to consult on what went wrong after Katrina!

Regards, C


I'm a total slut. Well, I was back when I could still slut.

Agi T. Prop

Brownie = 100% slut = Heckuva job!

Michael Hussey

39% slutty. That's pretty sad.

David (Austin Tx)

I was going to do the slutty test. But frankly I am too tired to concentrate on that.

Let's pretend I am about 30% slutty.

DuWayne Brayton

holy shit - I am 84% slut


Slut Test not loading for me - maybe it's too much of a foregone conclusion...

Haven't had a chance to post anything political for a while, been busy with processing swing dance photos from a friend's birthday. Some highlights here if anyone's interested.


Chefs for Humanity


I'm only 63%. What will I have to do to get 69? ;-)


I couldn't get the test to work but I just want to state that for the record I am 100% slut.

At least when it comes to females as I am a male...Now Now I have nothing against homosexuales male or female.

All I am saying is that I am 100% slut when it comes to females.

Has anyone else come in at 100%?


i'm a proud 81%


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