CARAVAGGIO IN HIS DARK RENDERING OF NARCISSUS The boy in love only with himself reminds me of the boy president George W. Bush who must get on with his life. Myth of old assumes power retold in the post modern morning in America. This is a tale of mourning in America. Bush has had no time for the mother of the dead or for the dead themselves come home in boxes. Bush must get on with his life, as real young boys get on with the dying.
IN THE MYTH of Echo and NARCISSUS, Echo is a nymph who displeasing Hera is condemned to have the last word, which in turn is only the word of others. The Greeks had a way with apt punishment for those who offend power. Now power bids for some other subservience. Bush himself must have the last word. His word must echo in talking points, the point of which is to drown out all others. Freedom is on the march. We must fight the enemy over there so we don’t have to fight him here.
IN THE SAD MYTH OF OLD, ECHO FALLS FOR NARCISSUS , but cannot speak for herself. So Echo repeats what Narcissus says, then Echo fades in grief for loss of love and loss of self, until Echo fades away. If we the people only repeat what we are told is truth, we may suffer more loss of loved ones who have lost themselves in this war.
IN THE MYTH MOST TELLING, NARCISSUS notices not at all Echo’s loss and wanders until he finds a pool where he sees an image of himself. So Narcissus finds one worthy of his love, but only in himself. Having gazed long at his own image, Narcissus reaches for it and falls in to die by drowning. George Bush has also fallen in love with his own carefully guarded image. He has fallen into the pool in Iraq where his image lies. We have fallen into that pool of blood with him.
[MANNION] . . .grown-up politicians, especially charismatic politicians who succeed and lead on the basis of their personal magnetism, are judged by how much they are loved by others, and judge themselves accordingly too.You don't have to find Bush charismatic personally to know that he is primarily a charismatic leader. He has succeeded because he has sold voters an image, an image that doesn't have much to do with his policies and programs and actual achievements. He can't change that image now. Doesn't dare.
[TOM WATSON] Why do we simply "go on with our lives" - as George Bush so infamously said in response to the vigil kept by a Gold Star mother on his own endless vacation last week - as if going on with our lives, being consumers, hitting those waves and those mountain bikes were some kind of call to liberty, some kind of national moral responsibility in the name of freedom?
Bush's quotes, frankly, summed up what we all tend to think: they serve, we don't, war is hell, let's move on. (Oh, perhaps a support-our-troops magnet for the RV). They were shocking not because a President of the United State uttered them; not because the man who sent these men and women to die on a cheap bet and a political lie said them; but because they fairly represent the attitude-at-large of our sated, careless population.[ELLEN GOODMAN] Taken altogether, the polls show a majority of Americans now believe that it was a mistake to send troops to war, that the results are not worth the loss of American life and that the war has not made us safer.
The most powerful argument left is the one the president repeats again and again: "And the best way to honor the lives that have been given in this struggle is to complete the mission."
The question is not whether the president will talk with her. He won't. It's not whether she speaks for her son. We'll never know. It's not whether she is "just a mom" or an anti-Bush agitator. She's both. It's whether nearly 1,900 Americans died in a war of choice and how painful that is to acknowledge. It's whether we go on quietly honoring those deaths with more deaths. [HAT TIP: DED]
I looked at Bush through the eyes of Frank Capra yesterday. If you remember "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington", in the end the basic humanity of Mr. Smith's opponent, Senator Paine, saves Smith. We'll I conclude that Bush has no "basic humanity" nor any real sense of compassion. He is as you portray him, Narcissus, staring at his presidential image in his custom made presidential flight suit.
I pray it is the beginning of the end for Bush and his cronies.
Does George Bush Have Any Decency?
Posted by: Words Have Power | August 19, 2005 at 07:52 PM
Missed this the first time out. Great post.
Posted by: ThomH | September 08, 2005 at 05:44 PM
Don't forget to include in the American Casualties in this War on Terror which we did not start those killed in Beruit and places like The World Trade Center. Let us not forget how things went during Jimmy Carter's years of trying to appease the Terrorists. Remember the IRANIAN HOSTAGE CRISIS?
Yeah, we had a bunch of our citizens held for like 444 days by extremist muslims, and it is widely believed to be very credible intelligence that Admittednutjob or how however you spell it, the current president of Iran, has some responsibility for the hostage crisis.
Posted by: RobertFrost | May 27, 2007 at 08:46 PM
Amen Why is it that people only think that the wrold terror started after 9/11. What about the Iranian hostages? The Cole? The Marine Barracks in Beriut? I support what Bush is doing to protect the people of this nation. We should thank whatever God you choose that we have had no attacks on this country since 9/11.
Posted by: Kerry | May 31, 2007 at 01:54 PM
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