A GREAT TALE HAS A NATURE ALL ITS OWN The Epic, the Lyric, the Comedy May Share Elements, But Each in the End Is True to its Essence. Nature is what nature is and waits only to be revealed. This is a story about Genius and a Boy and a Boy who would be President. This a story about story and luck, about a boy and a genius and a president whose luck has now run out. Luck has now run out.
This is a story about how story has been told from ages past, in the epic, through repetition, through repetition to make the common heroic. This is the story about a boy and a genius and a president whose luck has now run out. The epic tale must have a hero. A hero must have an enemy. The genius makes the enemy so the boy becomes a president, a boy unqualified but for the genius boy who tells the tale by repetition. All others have been the enemy. But now luck has run out.
Now luck has run out. For the boy who was the genius and the boy who was the president a new epic will be told. A new epic will be told of a tale age old. The tale to be told will be of age old deception, of lies now found lying in the sun. In the sun of truth the son of one president will be found lying to us all. So the boy and the genius and president will all be undone.
The story of George Bush, President, War President, Cowboy, Man of Resolve has taken a hidden turn this week. That Golden Cadillac he has been driving into our Glorious Future is now taking a seeming drunken spin into the ditch. Those who have needed total control to tell their heroic epic with seeming lack of effort will now be seen to struggle wildly to regain control of that Golden Cadillac of myth. But it ain’t gonna happen. Too many competing stories are now on the road and Bush who has so well been clothed only in white is now back in black on a highway to hell.
The Story of Bush will now be told in the context of its narrator, the one who until recently dictated all terms to unquestioning listeners. The dictator narrator Rove has been given a shorter term. Is there anybody now who doesn’t think the dictator is a dick? The story of Bush was always a story of luck, of circumstance and what has surrounded him, not so much the story of a drunk cokehead and what was in him. But now luck has run out.
The Story of Bush has had its zenith and now will have its nadir. The terms of the narrative have changed. The narrator Rove has lost his voice. The tale will now be one of vengeance, of avenging justice, told by the countless previously quieted minions who know they have been lied to. If the nation could be captured by the story of a president who ended up on the wrong side of stains on a girl’s blue dress, don’t doubt the stain of lies and treason, of wronging a woman in service to her country won’t be a bigger mess.
[MAJIKTHISE] Lots of politicians distort the facts for political reasons. Rove is bold enough to act as if logic itself had partisan rules. He's cooly deploying a diversionary strategy that doesn't even make sense.
[GREG MITCHELL/E&P] Today, July 15, 2005, may go down in history as the day when what has previously been known as the “Plame Affair” or “the CIA leak scandal” finally gets that most coveted of scandal slugs: Plamegate.
[TALKLEFT] Leaks from Fitzgerald's grand jury investigation are coming faster and faster. Now we know that Valerie Wilson's identity as a CIA Agent and the wife of Joseph Wilson was revealed in a June 10, 2003 State Department memo and that Colin Powell had it with him on Air Force One on the July 7 - 12, 2003 Bush trip to Africa - and was seen walking up and down the aisles of the Air Force One with it.
[DISENCHANTED FOREST] The Republican party conveniently ignores WH obligations under Executive Order 12958 and their nondisclosure agreements . . .
[JUSTIN RAIMONDO/ANTIWAR] What if Karl Rove isn't guilty of knowingly leaking Valerie Plame's name as a covert CIA agent involved in nuclear proliferation issues? What if Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, is correct when he says that he's been assured by prosecutors that his client is not a target of the ongoing investigation into Plame-gate? I'm going to swim against the tide, here, and against the expectations of my readers, by suggesting that this investigation isn't about Rove – and, furthermore, that Rove is a victim, in an important sense, someone who was used and abused by the real culprits?
[KRUGMAN/TIMES] Mr. Rove also understands, better than anyone else in American politics, the power of smear tactics. Attacks on someone who contradicts the official line don't have to be true, or even plausible, to undermine that person's effectiveness.
Haha! That's hysterical. Love it. A classic, truly. Pure genius with this one!
Posted by: Idyllopus | July 16, 2005 at 07:04 AM
Perhaps soon you will have to get to work on a movie poster for Bush that features the Bush version of the Scarecrow ("If I Only Had A Brain").
I picked up a couple of good quotes yesterday and included them in a post on Rover.
Posted by: Randy Bull | July 16, 2005 at 09:18 AM
Randy has a good idea there. A Wizard of Oz theme for the Bush administration with the whole cast of characters would be grand!
Posted by: Agitprop | July 16, 2005 at 10:08 AM
My god, Heretik, that graphic is amazing! The post deliciously surreal! Bravo fine soldier!
Posted by: Kate | July 16, 2005 at 10:22 AM
Yep! Fantastic. The "Wizard Of Oz" theme for the (MIS)administration has already been done, but I'm confident that you can do it one better! :)
Good work buddy!
Posted by: Chuck Ismyname | July 16, 2005 at 11:06 AM
Exceptional graphic, as always
Posted by: Ol Cranky | July 16, 2005 at 11:55 AM
don’t doubt the stain of lies and treason, of wronging a woman in service to her country won’t be a bigger mess.
Heretik, that line I really like and I wish it would resonate!
Your story about the boy, a cowboy and rove, sorry I am not calling him a genius today, was a fine piece of work.
I will say that your graphic work was masterfully done, Heretik.
Isn't there a song, Every Picture Tells a Story?
Posted by: Night Bird | July 16, 2005 at 12:15 PM
Wow. Just, wow.
Posted by: Matt | July 16, 2005 at 01:55 PM
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Posted by: logicielcrm | September 25, 2006 at 10:37 AM
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