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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

Search And Destroy

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Member since 02/2005


June 28, 2005


Shakespeare's Sister

Well, heck - you know me, Betty. I'll do anything for a free drink...

Betty Blogger

Well then, I think the usual is needed. Or even better the unusual.

Shakespeare's Sister

The unusual...hmm. Good idea. Let's switch to White Russians for the evening, shall we?

The Heretik

A white russian like Gogol? Nice job on your meme, sister.

Shakespeare's Sister

A white russian like Baryshnikov - I want it to dance in the glass.



Chuck Ismyname

Say there everyone. Is this thing going "freaky deaky" again tonight?

Shakespeare's Sister

Hello, Jen. Belly up to the bar. Betty's buying.

Betty Blogger

Some kid named Nuryev is crying in the corner, sister. Hey, Jen

Betty Blogger

Are there freaky deaks in the house, hot blogger Chuck? And what happened to Paul H?

Shakespeare's Sister

There's nothing I can do, I'm afraid. Rudy has been inconsolable ever since I told him I gave my heart to Mikhail.


Nyet. Not another Russian novel. Nostrovy, sister.


Hi Shakesis! You femme fatale you! Hi Betty, thanks for the bevs. I'll take a Lambrusco.

Lance Mannion

Hello? lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo?

Shakespeare's Sister

Femme fatale?! I'll take it!

I like this girl. :-)

Lance Mannion

Anybody here ear ear ear ear ear?


Dear god what good timeing for a drink. I just had a doozy of a time @ Dark Wraith's Forum explaining that while I loathe the motivation behind the supplantation of workers by machines - I support it. In fact I would love to see most if not all current employment options performed by machines. I believe that human minds are one of the most precious natural resources we have on this planet - the fact that so many are wasted on jobs that cold be performed better by machines is not only insane it's outright dehumanizing.

give me a double of Booker's. Leave the bottle - anyone join me for a slow sippi'n treat?


Shakespeare's Sister

I see trouble has arrived.

Lance Mannion

Beautiful! What an echo!

Shakespeare's Sister

Lance, get your head out of the toilet.

Lance Mannion

Sis, I'm still trying to be angry at you.

Lance Mannion

Is that what it is? I thought it was a very large clamshell.

Shakespeare's Sister

If I poke you right here, does that help make you angry? How about right here? What if I pinch this bit?

Mannion's Mom

Keep it clean tonight, son.

Shakespeare's Sister

Hello, Mother Mannion. Nice to see you.

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