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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

Search And Destroy

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Member since 02/2005


June 05, 2005


Commandante Agi T. Prop

Beautiful work Joe. Romero's courage and bravery are indeed something to be admired. He was a simple man who put the needs of his people ahead of himself and the church institution. He spoke soon before his murder: "If they kill me, I will be resurrected in the Salvadoran people."

When I visited the church a few months ago it felt both eerie and immensely powerful. The inscription on the altar reads: En este altar Mons. Oscar A. Romero ofrendo su vida a dios por su pueblo.

A martyr for truth, peace and justice. I can't think of a life with any more virtue than that.


This line is deep:

God may be the light that brightens some people’s eyes. Why dark forces try to turn and twist that light toward a dark end I will never know, but forever try to fight, at least in some small way. How is it that a god that would unite us is made by men to divide us.

I've been thinking the same exact thing lately. How it is that spiritual truth can be perverted and used to justify war and suffering I have difficulty understanding.

Night Bird

Oscar Romero begged for international intervention. He was alone. The people were alone.

Oscar gave his last homily on March 24. Moments before a sharpshooter felled him, reflecting on scripture, he said, "One must not love oneself so much, as to avoid getting involved in the risks of life that history demands of us, and those that fend off danger will lose their lives."


Great post! I am always pleased to see that people out there still remember this wonderful man and his bravery.

The Heretik

CN, you are making your contribution. If each of us can do some small thing every day, what great problem could not be overcome?


My thoughts exactly.

But then I have conversations with my best friends like I did the other night who tell me that there is no point and why bother trying.

(The conversation was in relation to corporate control of government and society.)

At times I think the greatest obstacle we have to overcome is apathy.


thank you Heretik, very moving.


What a beatiful poem. Thank you.


I hate to just echo what others have said, but I don't have anything original to say. Your poem for one of the most wonderful and socially oriented people in the 20th century is achingly beautiful. You think you are aware of what you've lost on the death of some individual, and then you read a poem such as yours. Thanks, many thanks.

Tanya Green

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