I Was Told The Liberation Would Take the Time of a Dreamy Nap. When Will We Wake Up from the Nightmare? Our past revealed true in the Downing Street Memos leaves us yet ruled by still present false prophets who speak of last throes like Cheney. Wake me when the liberation is over, for real work must then be done.
We all could profit from some truth about the future seen by only honest eyes. Where can they be found? Our national scribes, royal court stenographers all, tell us the Downing Street Memo past they forgot to write about in its present time, when lies were boldly told and dutifully written down, is something best cowardly forgotten. Wake me when the liberation is over, when I may wake from the sleep where truth and reporters are embedded with lies and power.
The liberation of a Iraq, the rose petal cakewalk, is taking far longer than expected. The river of lies runs red with more lives lost. Our leaders would make us bankrupt, our moral spring run dry in a desert, as the scribes words fly dry, lies lost in the truth of the Iraqi desert. The truth stains the ground of conscience with blood spilled in every Iraqi city, where mothers cry for daughter lost, who will never know the battles of the heart. Wake me when the liberation is over.
I wake to find we are ruled by the living dead who would still give life to lies. Give life to lies of cakewalks that now will take a generation or more. The cakewalk path leads down a path more dark where words easy and quick are found restless and tired. If you lived in a country where foreigners came, where foreigners stayed far longer than originally declared, you would not call the death in desert and city and a national soul liberation. Some still hold to a dream that lies, but the truth is there will be no liberation. Wake me now when the liberation is over, for there is real work to be done.
Truth eclipsed gives way to what the sun reveals. If the lies of the Downing Street Past are old news, the news today is the future should be less trusted to the false prophets of the past, who have led us down some cakewalk path, where future steps lead only downward. We must turn now and step toward the light of truth, to find faith in a new direction where peace might have its chance.