You are traitors just like Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta! What do you think you liberals are doing defending the dead door nails of a door history has slammed shut in your liberal faces? I dare call it worse than their treason.
Look at this argument this N Todd guy is trying to make! Insane comparisons!
- Pat Brownshirt Buchanan in WorldNutDaily: True, U.S. and British troops liberated France, Holland and Belgium from Nazi occupation. But before Britain declared war on Germany, France, Holland and Belgium did not need to be liberated. They were free. They were only invaded and occupied after Britain and France declared war on Germany – on behalf of Poland.
- Shorter: if only the Brits and Frogs hadn't fulfilled their treaty obligations, we would not have had all these problems over the years.
Then next mistake you will make is getting your facts before your conclusions! I was expecting this sort of liberal tripe from
the like of you. Why can't you liberals see the truth? We know a truth beyond the facts of this world, liberal. Facts are for zeros. Don't you get
it, Mister Mir or Mister Todd? Or is it N Mir or Dohiyi Whatever?
I heard you were a photographer. You liberals are always happy seeing such pretty pictures. But the world is not always pretty. Sometimes even I must look away from my mirror. You and your friends should go back to your fantasy world. Oh, and I almost forgot: Die, Liberal, Die!
Guilty, you are all guilty of hating freedom and committing treason even before you were born. Die, liberals, die. Thank you.
You may now offer homage to my skinny white, non anorexic shapely and Most Righteous Butt.
Anne Coulter does a disservice to Conservatives, Radical Fundamentalists, and male chauvenistic Republicans by NOT being a stay at home Mom...
Doesn't she know a woman's place is in the kitchen bare foot and pregnant?
Why do Limbaugh and Hannity let her run around all autonomous and sh*t? They should smack her down and send her home...
Why is it ok for her to be a stark rathing luny beotch who tries to dominate men while the rest of the female species must be subserviant to the male species?
Posted by: NeoCon Crusher | May 13, 2005 at 09:43 AM
Crusher, is that what you really want? Colter home and spawning little. . . .
Posted by: The Heretik | May 13, 2005 at 09:51 AM
Crusher, is that what you really want? Colter home and spawning little. . . .
LOL! Good point, Heretik! :)
Posted by: desi | May 13, 2005 at 10:34 AM
You are right....we are better off letting her make a fool of herself as Hannity's sex kitten sidekick on Fox rather than breeding more of her alien spawn.
Posted by: NeoCon Crusher | May 13, 2005 at 10:53 AM
I, for one, welcome our Nazi overlords.
Posted by: NTodd | May 13, 2005 at 02:06 PM
Ann Coldsore. HA! I love it. I'm using it for sure. I'll give you credit of course.
Ann Coldsore. Ann Coldsore. Too funny.
Posted by: spocko | May 13, 2005 at 10:56 PM