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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

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May 13, 2005


NeoCon Crusher

Anne Coulter does a disservice to Conservatives, Radical Fundamentalists, and male chauvenistic Republicans by NOT being a stay at home Mom...

Doesn't she know a woman's place is in the kitchen bare foot and pregnant?

Why do Limbaugh and Hannity let her run around all autonomous and sh*t? They should smack her down and send her home...

Why is it ok for her to be a stark rathing luny beotch who tries to dominate men while the rest of the female species must be subserviant to the male species?

The Heretik

Crusher, is that what you really want? Colter home and spawning little. . . .


Crusher, is that what you really want? Colter home and spawning little. . . .

LOL! Good point, Heretik! :)

NeoCon Crusher


You are right....we are better off letting her make a fool of herself as Hannity's sex kitten sidekick on Fox rather than breeding more of her alien spawn.


I, for one, welcome our Nazi overlords.


Ann Coldsore. HA! I love it. I'm using it for sure. I'll give you credit of course.

Ann Coldsore. Ann Coldsore. Too funny.

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