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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

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Member since 02/2005

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May 27, 2005


Kate S.

What would make me feel most free is to run naked through the woods, but the mosquitoes will probably give that a thumbs down. Not to mention the natives.

I will share my freedom with the fishes, still gathering up bags of trash left behind by the tourists who come here in uniform and treat this place like it really is the last frontier with no rules, before they fly off to other lands to do their duty, not knowing if they will ever see their families again or ever again be able to stand, belching and fishing with the giddy glee of a school child on summer vacation, proudly throwing down each successive empty beer can with gusto and pride.

I may even tie a flag to one of the tree branches overhanging the water, in honor those that have been deployed from here and recently lost their lives while on duty for country.

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