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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


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March 02, 2005



I think that we have been reduced to O'Loofah's kneejerk response: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!!

(Also helps to plug one's ears with fingers so the only sound is your own voice.)

I for one am outraged we haven't mentioned the Nazis and Bush more. I'll take care of Godwin's Law right off: Bushnazi. Bushnazi, Bushnazi, Bushnazi.


Yes, Byrd's statement was offensive. If you're a fascist, that is. If the Republicans believe this is so beyond the pale, then why not just ignore the statement as the ramblings of an old man?

The Heretik

I for one am outraged we haven't mentioned the Nazis and Bush more.

Yes, Byrd's statement was offensive. If you're a fascist, that is.

Well said. Thank you.

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