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What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell


From the Tongues of Angels

Search And Destroy

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Member since 02/2005

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February 22, 2005


Peter of Lone Tree

Okay, I gotcha "marked" between Francesca's Liberal Wingnut Corner and i n c i t e.t h o u g h t. Let the games begin.

pissed off patricia

Does being interested, equal uppity?
Does speaking out, equal bitch?

I dunno, but I do know that I float in water, don't have time for men with 'tudes, and like laughing more than just about anything else in the world.

I like me pretty much. If I didn't like me and didn't attempt to make me someone I would like, I would be an idiot. I'm not!

Porn, for the most part, I believe is for those who have given up on themselves and need to borrow from others.

The Heretik

Pissed Off Patricia is onto something here.

pissed off patricia

Patricia thanks the Heretik for his humor and especially for the personal pass he has given me which allows me to go to hell whenever I like. No expiration date either.


Hi there. If possible, I'd love to join your "wise women" roll. I'm fairly wise depending which side of the bed I wake up on (i.e. drunk or not). Don't ask which is which.


To be honest, I'm not as wise as any of the women currenlty on your role or any who have commented on this post, but I do have something interesting to say every 3rd day or so. ;-)

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