It is NOT true that the Bush Administration is taking its continued cues on Homeland Security from the Fox Television show "24." At least The Heretik hopes it's not true. Where do you draw the line?
Already this year there have been two torture scenes. The first victim was the son of William Devane's Secretary of Defense character. And the Heretik thought he had a tough home life. And you thought your boss was tough? The second victim was CTU agent Gavin. When they take Gavin away to question her, they go straight for some shock stick. Makes you wonder what would they do to people they don't love or work with?
Of course this course of action must be taken by hardnosed realists who have to make the touch calls because the stakes are too high. In this year of "24," the plot excuse is that some nuclear reactors may melt down, not that the imagination of the plot makers is melting down. Not just one nuclear reactor would melt down, over a hundred would do the China Syndrome. The Big Boom Boom would be a Big Bad Bad.
One question to consider is can black and white moral absolutes exists when the sky threatens to smudge into a relative nuclear disaater grey? At what point must morality give way to reality? Why? Why not?
Is the question even worth it or should we not even bother, just kick back on the couch, and leave it to people who know better? Who knows better?
Now back to Jack. The Heretik apologizes for his recent discovery and over use of the italic key. When you get something that works easily, you stick with it. Transition, Heretik, transition. Which bring us back to torture. If it works quickly and gets results in big cases, why not use it in small cases where something less than the fate of the world is at stake? At what point is a consideration so small that torture is not needed? Why? Why not?
The Heretik is growing tired of Jack Bauer, bold man of action. The Heretik laughs when Jack's superiors ask him if he wants backup. There is no time for backup, interchangeable boss. I'm going in alone.
Bold italics are over the top, kind of like Jack Bauer. Jack needs more imagination, we all do.
b-b-but i likes 24
Posted by: who, me?! | March 08, 2005 at 05:15 PM