Possible Satire Warning Activated: Basic Level 1
This is your reporter The Heretik reporting from the mouth of hell. I
overheard sombody down here asking why people on earth laugh when the
world is so screwed? It sounded like Belushi, but I think it was one
of the workers heading to finish the Leno Suite. (Jay Leno is Satan's
favorite stand up guy. Don't tell Jay Boy, but when he hands off the Tonight Show to Conan O'Brien, he's headed straight to hell.)
Ho, ho. Ha, ha. Giggle. Snigger. Guffaw. Why laugh indeed?
Sometimes even The Heretik has had enough of the demonic laughter.
It's not just hot down here at the mouth of hell, it's also noisy.
When I can't stand it anymore and before my mouse melts, I click here, and here, and here for some small comic, satiric relief.
Then before my laptop melts and goes molten in the river Styx
running beside me outside the gates of hell, I think about the role of
satire. How can you laugh lightly in these dark times? Heretik,
Heretik, Heretik, five years in, is there really no hope for the new
millenium? Yes, there is no hope.
Yes, there is no hope? Heretik, Heretik, Heretik, how can you be so negative?
Then Cerebus The Damned Dog of Doom barks up to tell me I really
screwed the pooch with that Democrats Prepare Competing Marriage
Amendment my first day of doing a diary at Daily Kos.
Should have had the satire warning on that one from the get go.
Without that satire warning, with some raging righteous response, The
Heretik might help prove what The Righteous Right have declared all
along: Damn Dems got no game, no sense, and don't gots no sense of
humor either.
Christ. Can I say Christ? Of course I can. I am The Heretik. Damn it. Christ, Christ, Christ. Don't care about the consequences, because I have already lost my soul.
Now I am paying the price. I have to take criticism from a critter
(crit crit?). Cerebus the Hound of Hell bites. Yeah, that's right,
Cerebus. Bite me.
You talking to me, dogmeat?
Cerebus The Dog of Hell tells me I really am an idiot linking that thing to my own blog. And leaving it off with Democrats saying only homosexuals can marry?
It's a bad day when you have got to take criticism from a dog and then
the hound of hell bites you in the ass. Now I've got to go get a
rabies shot. Yeah, go ahead and laugh, Satan.
No need for a medical clinic in Righteous Hell because most of the
people here are dead? That's great. What about Rove? Dead, but he
just doesn't know it? The Heretik is trying very hard to laugh now,
but it's hard to go with the ho hos when a dog has ripped off half your
ass. Hoping the laptop will stay solid long enough to finish this
post. Wondering why they still call them laptops when that is the
least likely place I see them. Hoping somebody at Daily Kos
can point out the right way to play nice so I can still have playdates
with the big kids. With a weak ha, ha, and a little ho, ho, this has
been The Heretik reporting from the mouth of Hell.
Cerebus, you really suck.
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